Privacy policy

identification of the person responsible:

STUDENT ASSOCIATION JUNIOR COMPANY QUAROO (hereinafter, QUAROO) NIF G72708662 and address in the Street at uribitarte, 6, 48001 Bilbao, Vizcaya.


Who is the Responsible for the processing of your data?

This privacy policy applies to all personal data that the data subject contribution to QUAROO, as well as any person interested in the activities and services that QUAROO offers through its website and through any other means of communication. The objective of the Privacy Policy of QUAROO is to give transparency to the information on how we treat your personal data in compliance with current regulations on data protection.

The data subject may contact QUAROO through the detailed information on the identification of the responsible party.

What purpose we treat your personal data and what legitimacy?

QUAROO have a Record of Processing Activities where we detail each of the following treatments carried out as responsible for the treatment:





People management partner

Art. 6.1 (b) processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party or for the application at the request of the measures pre-contractual;


Management of the database of contacts (people related to customers, suppliers, institutions, governments and societies in general)

Art. 6.1 f) processing is necessary for the purposes of legitimate interests pursued by the controller or by a third party


Registration and management of attending events

Art. 6.1 (a) the person concerned gave their consent to the processing of your personal data for one or more specific purposes;Art. 6.1 f) processing is necessary for the purposes of legitimate interests pursued by the data controller in relation to the advertising and sales promotion

In each case, duly justified, which requires knowing more detail regarding the Register of Processing Activities can be directed to QUAROO by using any of the channels identified

How long we keep your personal data?

QUAROO retain the data of the affected for the duration of their relationship with the organization and later, data will be retained according to the provisions of the regulations and documentation that each of the applicable law. In case of applying for a law shall be the suppression of your data in accordance with the law you have requested.

Who has access to your personal data?

QUAROO may make assignments or communications of personal data to meet its obligations with the Public Administrations in cases that are required in accordance with the legislation in force in each moment.

What are the rights of those affected?

We inform you that you may exercise the following rights:

  1. Right of access to your personal data, to know which ones are being processed;
  2. The right of rectification of any personal data that is inaccurate;
  3. Right to erasure of your personal data, when this is possible;
  4. The right to request the restriction of processing of your personal data when the accuracy, legality or necessity of the treatment of the data is questionable, in which case, we may retain the data for the exercise or defense of claims.
  5. The right of opposition to the processing of your personal data, when the legal basis that enables us to their processing is the legitimate interest. QUAROO will no longer process your data unless you have a legitimate interest imperious or for the formulation, exercise or defense of claims.
  6. Right to the portability of your data, when the legal basis that enables us to your treatment of the above is your consent.

These rights may be exercised free of charge by the interested party, and in his case whoever represents him / her, by sending a written request to

In addition to the foregoing rights, the data subject shall have the right to withdraw the consent granted at any time, without this withdrawal of consent affecting the lawfulness of the processing prior to the withdrawal of the same. QUAROO will be able to continue treating the data of the interested party to the extent that the applicable law allows.

QAUROO remember the interested party has the right to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory Authority of the country in which you are located.

Low in the service of the sending of commercial communications

The interested party has the right to revoke at any time the consent given for the sending of commercial communications with the simple notification to QUAROO by the reporting that you do not wish to continue receiving commercial communications. To do this, the interested person can click on the link included in each communication canceling sending of electronic commercial communications or revoke your consent by statement

What security measures have we implemented?

QUAROO is committed to fulfilling its obligation of secrecy of personal data and its duty to protect them, and shall take the necessary measures to avoid its alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access, in accordance with the provisions of applicable regulations.

QUAROO has implemented security measures of a technical and organizational nature necessary to guarantee the security of their personal data and avoid their alteration, loss and treatment and/or unauthorized access, taking into account the state of technology, the nature of the data stored and the risks to which they are exposed, whether from human action or the physical or natural environment, according to what is established in applicable regulations.


The web page of QUAROO may include hyperlinks to other sites that are not operated or controlled by QUAROO. Therefore, QUAROO does not guarantee, nor is responsible for the legality, reliability, usefulness, veracity and timeliness of the contents of such websites or their privacy practices. Please, before providing your personal information to these websites other than QUAROO keep in mind that your compliance in terms of data protection may differ from ours.

Modification of the Privacy Policy

QUAROO may modify its Privacy Policy in accordance with the applicable legislation each time. In any case, any modification of the Privacy Policy will be duly notified to the Affected for that, is informed of the changes made in the processing of your personal data and, in the event that the applicable regulations so require, the Affected party may provide their consent.


The STUDENT ASSOCIATION JUNIOR COMPANY QUAROO want to inform you about the use of cookies on their web sites. 

Cookies are files that are downloaded to your computer through web pages. They are tools that have an essential role for the provision of numerous services of the information society. Among others, they allow a website to store and retrieve information on the browsing habits of a user or their equipment and, depending on the information obtained, can be used to recognize the user and improve the service offered.

Types of cookies 

We can distinguish two types of cookies, depending on who is the entity that manages the domain from which cookies are sent and treat the data obtained: first-party cookies and third-party cookies.

In addition, we speak of session cookies or permanent cookies, when is the period of time that they remain stored in the client's browser.

Finally, there is another classification with five types of cookies according to the purpose for which the data are processed obtained: technical cookies, cookies, personalization cookies, analysis cookies, advertising cookies and behavioural advertising.

Are exempted from the obligations established in article 22.2 of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on services of the information society and electronic commerce, hereinafter LSSI, the cookies used for any of the following purposes:

– Allow only communication between the user computer and the network.

– Strictly provide a service expressly requested by the user.

In this sense, the Working Group of Article 29 in its Opinion 4/2012 (Opinion 4/2012 on the exemption from the consent requirement of Cookies has interpreted that among the cookies exceptions would be those that have the purpose:

– Cookies "user input"

– Cookies or authentication user id (only session)

– Cookies of the user's security

– Session Cookies of the media player

– Session Cookies for load balancing

– Cookies customization of the user interface

– Cookies complement (plug-in) to exchange content social

So, it can be understood that these cookies are excluded from the scope of application of article 22.2 of the LSSI, and therefore, it would not be necessary to inform or obtain the consent of its use.

Cookies used on the website:

Google Analytics

The websites of QUAROO use Google Analytics, a web analytics service developed by Google, that allows the measurement and analysis of navigation on web sites. In your browser you may see cookies of this service. According to the typology above, it's cookies (own, session and analysis. You can find more information and opt out of the use of these cookies

Through web analytics, information is obtained regarding the number of users accessing the site, number of page views, frequency and repetition of visits, duration, the browser used, the operator providing the service, the language, the terminal used or the city to which is assigned to your IP address. Information that enables a better and more appropriate service by this website.

Google maps

The websites of QUAROO use Google maps. You can find more information about it in

Acceptance of the cookies Policy

QUAROO assume that you agree to the use of cookies. However, it shows information about its cookies Policy at the bottom of any page of the website with the beginning of each session with the aim of you to be aware.

With this information it is possible to perform the following actions:

To accept cookies. Not the display will return to this notice by accessing any page of the website during the present session.

Not ok. The website will not work properly and you will be able to navigate it.

To modify its settings:

How to modify cookie settings 

You can restrict, block or erase the cookies from POKHARA or any other website, using your browser. In each browser the operation is different, the function of " Help” will show you how to do it.

Internet Explorer:"ie-10" 




In addition, you can also manage the cookie store in your browser through tools such as the following:

Ghostery: Your online choices:

Last update of the Privacy Policy QUAROO march 2023

Este sitio web utiliza cookies y solicita sus datos personales para mejorar su experiencia de navegación.